Sunday, February 11, 2007

new project: A Week of Haiku

Today I'm embarking upon my second "official" haiku bird project: A Week of Haiku. This will be a series of ACEOs (Art Cards: Editions and Originals), original, one of a kind artist trading cards. ACEOs have one rule -- they must be 3.5 x 2.5 inches in size. Other than that, anything goes. They can be originals or editioned prints. They're traded, or bought and sold, and collected much like other types of trading cards. (I have several that I've completed; click on the ACEO label to see all of those posts.) For more information see this article in wikipedia.

So, the project. Each day I will create an ACEO with an cut-paper assembled haiku. One each day for a week. The week's cards will be cut down from one large collaged / painted background, so the week as a whole will be of the same design. At the end of the week I will have seven cards, which I will package up nicely and sell as a set in my shop on Etsy.

Week One starts today. And over time we'll see how many weeks I continue this project!